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Women's Lunch Place is a safe, welcoming day shelter community, providing nutritious food and individualized services for women who are experiencing homelessness or poverty. We meet our guests where they are and treat them with dignity and respect. 
Sponsor a meal at the shelter
Package Name Amount Quantity Subtotal

Breakfast $0.00
We will send a card with the date you request and post a sign in the shelter.
Since WLP is closed on Sunday, all Sunday dates will have signs displayed on Saturday.

Lunch $0.00
We will send a card with the date you request and post a sign in the shelter.
Since WLP is closed on Sunday, all Sunday dates will have signs displayed on Saturday.
Support our Programs
Package Name Amount Quantity Subtotal

A week of healthy meals for one woman. $0.00

A week of healthy meals for four women. $0.00

A week of healthy meals for eight women $0.00

Funds Dignity Care $0.00
Homelessness and poverty leave women with limited access to showers and personal hygiene products. Women’s self-esteem is improved through Women’s Lunch Place’s daily offering of dignity. Good personal hygiene reduces the risk of infectious disease and improves overall wellbeing. WLP offers daily private showers and free laundry as well as toiletries like toothbrushes, shampoo, and soap.

Homeless Prevention $0.00
Last year, advocates helped 182 women find or preserve their housing. This fund helps pay for costs such as security deposits, moving expenses, and payment for back rent. WLP helps women avoid eviction by offering financial counseling, setting up payment plans, and mediating with landlords to keep women in their homes.

I would like to make a donation


Food is a basic necessity of life, and sharing a meal with others is one of the most effective bridges to relationship building.

Our Healthy Meals Program is offered to every women without questions or requirement. We serve healthy, hearty breakfasts and lunches, Monday through Saturday that improve the physical health and emotional well-being of our guests.

Hearty Breakfasts
Breakfast at Women’s Lunch Place is always freshly prepared, nutritious, and delicious and now served restaurant style by volunteers at 8 a.m. Whole grain bread, peanut butter, milk, coffee, juice, and tea are available throughout the day. 

Healthy Lunches
Lunch consists of high-quality, freshly-prepared dishes of grains, meat or fish, salad, fresh vegetables, fruit, and dessert. Menus are planned to emphasize nutritional content and diversity. Food preferences are accommodated, and vegetarian alternatives are available at every meal. We serve lunch in restaurant-style by volunteers. Our guests sit together at tables with fresh flowers and lunch is served on china plates with flatware. Lunch is more than a meal; it is integral to our efforts to treat every woman in a trauma-informed model of care. Staff and volunteers treat every woman so to minimize the trauma that can accompany food insecurity.